Gebrüder Weiss continues upward trend
Gebrüder Weiss looks back on a successful 2019. With an uptick of 2%, the company generated a preliminary net turnover of EUR 1.7 billion (2018: EUR 1.67 billion) in FY 2019.
"It was a good year. Despite difficult economic conditions, we witnessed a positive development in all business segments and were able to successfully implement new technologies to enhance customer benefits and make our processes more efficient. We are particularly pleased with mounting demand in the home delivery segment, where we generated two-digit growth," concludes Wolfram Senger-Weiss, chairman of the board at Gebrüder Weiss.
The company was also able to raise its equity ratio to more than 60%. Turnover in the air freight and sea freight segment rose by 1.3% to EUR 389 million. Tensions in the air freight market were offset by an increase in sea freight volumes. (mw)