Gareth Prowse to head decarbonisation
Svitzer, a major global towage operator and part of the Maersk group, welcomes Gareth Prowse as its new global head of decarbonisation.
Kasper Nilaus, CEO: “I am very pleased that Prowse has joined us to lead our ambitions and our initiatives for decarbonisation.” Prowse will set global decarbonisation targets for Svitzer's global fleet of 440 tugs.
Prowse: “I could not be more excited to join Svitzer to help set its decarbonisation strategy. I am ready to benchmark where we currently stand as a major player in our industry and develop the strategy that will take us – as well as our customers – to a decarbonised future.” Prowse holds a PhD from the University of Plymouth and was chairman of the World Coatings Council and Antifouling Coatings Committee. (cj)