FTSE4 Good and Agility
The FTSE4 Good Index Series, a resource used by investors to identify companies around the world with strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, has recognised Agility’s commitment in environmental, social and governance matters.
FTSE4 Good was developed by FTSE Russell, which provides benchmarks used by investors to analyse and measure markets, sectors, companies and asset classes. Agility outperformed the transportation services sector average in FTSE4 Good's independent assessment of its ESG record.
Eco Vadis, an independent organisation that evaluates and rates corporate sustainability programs, has also ranked Agility in the top 10% of all companies and the top 4% of the logistics industry for overall sustainability performance.
Amongst others, Agility is committed to the development of commercial trucks powered by hybrid technology through its investment in Hyliion and has also invested in digital-trucking and road freight optimisation platforms that help tackling the issue of trucks travelling empty on the back haul. (sh)