Freja continues its steady growth
Freja Transport & Logistics has announced a satisfactory result for the first half of 2019. The integration of Transcargo continues as planned and despite still difficult conditions in Sweden and large expenses for the Polish subsidiary, where the company is investing in a new domicile as well as transitioning onto the group IT-platform, it shows a stable result.
The subsidiaries in Norway and Finland continue to deliver results significantly above market level, while the “youngest” subsidiaries in Poland and China are making positive contributions.
Freja reports a 6.5 % growth in turnover for the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year. Total turnover for H1/2019 amounts to DKK 1.65 billion (EUR 221.2 million). Ebit for the first six months of the year is DKK 24.9 million (EUR 3.33 million) compared to DKK 24.7 million (EUR 3.31 million) in 2018. The pre-tax profits total DKK 25.1 million (EUR 3.36 million) in in the first six months of 2019 compared to 24.1 million (EUR 3.23 million) in 2018. (mw)