Freight forwarders choose new president
At its annual meeting in Geneva last week, Western Switzerland's freight forwarders’ association Spedlogswiss Romandie bode farewell to its president Thierry Moreno (on the left), founder and CEO of NV Logistics at Geneva airport, with a big round of applause. Moreno’s term of office was extended by one year to three, owing to the special circumstances in the pandemic.
Moreno will remain with the association through the Association Spedlogswiss Romandie pour la Formation Professionelle (ASFP), which aims to promote interest in transport and logistics among young people.
The more than 50 delegates elected Giovanni Vigorito (on the right), managing director of Veron Grauer, as their new president, Jérôme Volluz as their vice-president and Gilbert Epars as treasurer. (ah)