Freed dogs look forward to flying to new home
In Wuhan and large parts of China, but also in Indonesia and Vietnam, more and more restaurants are striking dog meat off their menus. More than 70 dogs from a farm in South Korea that was shut down this spring, the sixteenth in a row of farms that have been closed since 2015 as part of the Farmer Transition Programme of the Humane Society International (HSI), are now to find a new home. But they will have to wait for their flight to Canada until Transpacific flights have resumed, the HSI told the ITJ.
Nakseon Kim had been breeding dogs for nearly 40 years, but he jumped at the chance to leave dog farming behind when HSI offered to help him start a new life growing vegetables instead.
As global pressure builds for countries across Asia to permanently close wildlife wet markets amid coronavirus risks, the array of human health risks posed by the dog meat trade is strengthening calls for action. (ah)