Frédéric Barra to preside council of development
Frédéric Barra, president of the port handling company Barra SNM, has been elected president of the council of development of the port of Dunkirk and Franck Gonsse, secretary general of the trade union CNTPA, has been appointed vice president.
Barra was already a member of the council of development and succeeds the current president, Philippe Bertonèche. Barra says, Bertonèche made the council into a panel in which different ideas and opinions can be discussed in a quiet atmosphere. He intends to continue this mission. The council of development of the port of Dunkirk deals with strategic projects and tariff issues.
Inputs can also come from the management or the board of the port. The council of development consists of 30 members that represent various organisations, companies and authorities associated with the port. (mw)