FM Logistic banks on renewables
French logistics service provider FM Logistic has started to use electricity from renewable sources in its own warehouses in central Europe, signing renewable energy contracts with Poland's power group PGE and Czechia's utility Pražská Energetika.
In Poland, PGE will supply FM Logistic with 14 GWh of power and with the associated guarantees of origin certificates to the group's five own warehouses among the 13 hubs it operates in Poland. These hubs are located in Mszczonów, Błonie, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Olszowa and Będzin.
With this new contract, FM Logistic expects to avoid releasing almost 11,000 t of CO2 per year. The same applies to its warehouse in Tuchomerice in Czechia. In Slovakia, FM Logistic already switched to renewable electricity in 2019 thanks to a contract with Slovenské Elektrárne. (sh)