Flash Europe expands to Bulgaria
Flash Europe is entering the Bulgarian market with its franchise partner Cargo Sped. Georgi Tsvetkov, owner of Cargo Sped Bulgaria, has invested in the master franchise licence and in two – out of a total of five – regional franchise licences in Bulgaria. These two regional franchise licences are located in Sofia and Plovdiv.
Cargo Sped is a local company with 13 employees based in the Kyustendil-Sofia region in the west of Bulgaria. "With the support of Flash as a prominent player on the premium freight market, its broad customer base and cutting-edge transport managing systems we will be perfectly positioned to develop our market share in Bulgaria," says Georgi Zwetkow.
Flash Europe aims at gradually expanding the franchise system to more locations primarily in eastern Europe, the Baltic states and northern Europe. It already has plans to establish a franchise in Slovenia as its next market entry. (mw)