First Women in maritime survey
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA International) have launched the inaugural women in maritime — IMO and WISTA international survey 2021, which is to be repeated every three years, to examine the proportion and distribution of women working in the maritime sector.
The launching of the survey follows the 2020 signing of the IMO-WISTA memorandum of understanding (MoU) on promoting diversity and inclusion, until gender equality is reached, through cooperation activities.
Kitack Lim, IMO’s secretary general: “We need solid data on female participation, as this will enable us to track and quantify our ambitions in what has traditionally been a male-dominated sector”.
The IMO and WISTA International survey is open to IMO member states, IGOs, NGOs, public and private companies in the maritime sector and maritime training establishments. There are two separate surveys to be completed by member states and industry. (amh)
To access the survey click here: https://www.research.net/r/IndustryIMOWISTA