First Guangzhou-converted B767-300 freighter
Boeing and Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Company (Gameco) have celebrated the completion of China’s first 767-300 Boeing converted freighter (BCF) from the Gameco conversion line in Guangzhou.
Peter Gao, VP Boeing commercial sales and marketing for China: "We will rely on them to continue to drive success for our medium widebody BCF programme."
With a recent ramp up in its production facilities, Gameco currently has two passenger-to-freighter conversion lines for the 767-300BCF and three conversion lines for the 737-800BCF in operation.
The first 767-300BCF line started in Q2/2022 and the second line opened in September 2022. Boeing earlier also announced plans to add eight 737-800BCF conversion lines across new and existing MRO suppliers in China, and at other global sites. (ah)