First B787-700BDSF delivered to a Chinese operator
Austin, TX-based Spectre Cargo Solutions, through its Irish entity NGF Overseas Aircraft, delivered a B737-700BDSF to Tianjin Air Cargo (TJAC). The first Boeing freighter of the type to be delivered to a Chinese operator is on a long-term operating lease with TJAC and the fourth B737-700BDSF received by the lessor.
Spectre’s program has produced B737NG freighters at four international sites to date and expects to consume all of its exclusive capacity under its launch customer agreement with IAI.
It will take delivery of at least five B737-800 freighters and one B737-700 freighter over the next several months, bringing its delivered total to 16 B737NG freighters.
Spectre's order book currently exceeds 30 freighters across 737-800BDSF & -700BDSF (IAI), 737-800BCF (Boeing) and 757-200PCF (Precision). (ah)