First A330P2F re-delivered to MNG Airlines
In April, MNG Airlines became EFW’s (Elbe Flugzeug Werke) first Turkish customer to invest in converting an A330 passenger aircraft to freighter. Turkey’s first A330-300P2F is now leaving EFW's facilities after a planned seven months of conversion.
With more to come for MNG, the A330P2F complements the customer's current Airbus freighter fleet. MNG Airlines will deploy the A330P2F to help its customers respond to increasing demand for ecommerce and the Christmas season.
With a gross payload of nearly 62 t, the aircraft offers some 20% more volume than its closest competitor of Boeing. The A330-300P2F for MNG Airlines is the 13th of EFW’s re-deliveries and is part of the large production ramp-up to boost capacity in the upcoming years. (cj)