Files concerning Geneva airport open to public consultation
As from today, 18 September 2019, until 17 October 2019, the documents concerning several files submitted by the Swiss federal office of civil aviation (FOCA) with regard to the airport of Geneva will be open for public consultation.
The dossier proposes an amendment to the operating regulations stipulating a quota system for delayed night flights as well as an application for approval of planning procedures for infrastructure and operational projects. On the basis of this dossier it should be possible to determine the permissible level of noise pollution and to update the current noise pollution map.
The documents can be consulted at the town planning authorities of the cantons of Geneva and Vaud, the councils of the Swiss communities affected by aircraft noise, the French sub-prefectures Gex and Thonon as well as FOCA. The information can also be downloaded from the FOCA website.
Don’t miss the ITJ issue 39-40/2019 to be published the day after tomorrow with a report on the run-up to the referendum "For a democratic piloting of the airport of Geneva”, which will be held on 24 November! (ah)