Fewer trucks due to corona
A new heavy traffic control centre (SVKZ) is currently being built in Giornico in Ticino (Switzerland), on the site of the former Monteforno steel mill. When it comes on stream in 2022, it will provide another checking point for heavy goods vehicles bound for the Gotthard.
Last year, a total of 138,848 trucks, semitrailers, vans and buses were checked in Switzerland. There were 22,519 complaints, and in 4,207 cases the vehicles were immobilised or the drivers were refused permission to continue their journey, according to a report by the Federal Roads Office (Fedro) and the federal customs administration (FCA).
Overall, however, fewer heavy vehicles were controlled last year than the previous year, as the number of trucks travelling through the Gotthard tunnel dropped by 70% to 80% with the first lockdown in March 2020. (ben)