Extension almost complete
IDS Logistik has celebrated the roofing ceremony for the building extension of its central hub in Neuenstein (Hesse, Germany). Construction work on the new hall began in 2018. The extension is directly adjacent to the existing building and provides the capacities to deal with growing cargo volumes.
“The first trucks are expected to arrive at the new gates in July 2019,” says IDS CEO Michael Bargl. Currently, the trucks of 49 IDS warehouses gather at the central hub and exchange their consignments within only a few hours so that the required merchandise can be transported all across the country from Rosenheim in the south to Rostock in the north within 24 hours.
With the extension, 23 new gates and an additional cargo handling area of 3,000 sqm, IDS lays the foundations to process about 50 to 60% more consignments in its central hub in Neuenstein. The company is investing a total of EUR 6 million in the project. (mw)