Everts Air Cargo contracts AEI
Aeronautical Engineers, Inc. (AEI) has signed a contract to provide Fairbanks (Alaska)-based Everts Air Cargo with an MD88SF freighter conversion. The aircraft will commence modification in March 2023. Modification touch labour will be performed by Dothan (Alabama)-based, Commercial Jet, which is an authorised AEI Conversion Centre.
Everts will use the freighter to accommodate fleet expansion plans. The aircraft conversion will provide the company with an Ancra CLS capable of carrying: (12) 88” x 108” Containers/Pallets, P1 to P12.
AEI is a major global player in the aircraft passenger-to-freighter conversions business and is the oldest conversion company in existence today. Since the company’s founding in 1958, AEI has developed over 130 supplemental type certificates (STCs) and has modified over 550 aircraft with the STCs. (cj)