Europa's Newcastle team finds new home
The Newcastle (UK) branch of Europa Road has moved to a new office. The team of 13, which offers road freight service for import and export to and from Europe, now has a spacious home at Silverlink Business Park in Wallsend that is twice the size of its previous office in Monkton Business Park and is ideal for its expansion plans this year.
Branch manager Mat Jobson said: “We’re thrilled to have moved from our old office in Monkton Business Park to this great new unit in Wallsend, which means we can now realise our plan to grow the size of the team. Despite the obvious distraction of Brexit last year, our results have been really positive."
In addition, the Newcastle branch has plans to take a new account manager on board this month as well as two school leavers as part of Europa's rapid career development programme come September. (mw)