Etihad secures complete ownership of AVM
Etihad Airways has acquired the shares held by Armaguard Linfox Group (Australia) in the Abu Dhabi (UAE)-based joint venture Armaguard Valuables Management (AVM), becoming the sole shareholder of the company and renaming it Etihad Secure Logistics Services.
In the six years since it began operations, AVM has grown from a start-up to a major player in the UAE’s secure logistics and valuables management market. With increasing opportunities in their respective markets, both Etihad and Armaguard have agreed that now is the right time for the business to operate as a full subsidiary of Etihad Airways as part of Etihad’s cargo and logistics portfolio.
Etihad has appointed Vincent Hampton as managing director of Etihad Secure Logistics. As a member of the extended Etihad Cargo leadership team, he will be responsible to lead and implement the company’s new strategic vision. (ah)