Elvis fosters warehousing
Elvis, the association of freight forwarders, intends to push ahead with its “ware.house” project. The enhanced version of the members’ platform “blue.net” will be put online in May this year. The portal comprises a search and offer platform for warehousing facilities and a knowledge database.
“We want to enable all our members to make full use of the opportunities and openings offered by our cooperation, and not only with regard to transport services,” says Jochen Eschborn, chairman of the board at Elvis, explaining why his association has branched out into the warehousing business.
For the members, warehousing and contract logistics have meanwhile become growth drivers. Already 55 of the almost 190 Elvis members have joined the warehouse network. Offering a total storage area of 1.6 million sqm at locations in Germany, Czechia, the Netherlands and Switzerland, the ware.house platform will be a major player in the distribution of storage capacities. (mw)