EDI transactions surge in Thailand
Thailand’s international freight forwarders association (Tiffa EDI Services) recently achieved an over 220 times growth in the volume of EDI transactions handled since the implementation of Kale Logistics Solutions’ ping services on their “ezyCompliance” platform in 2014.
It also saved up to 80% on each of ENS / AMS filings and increased about eight times the amount of MAWB filings. As Thailand is a key country in terms of AWB volume (and hence an e-AWB potential market), the focus for Tiffa EDI Services first has been to implement e-AWB and later expand the technology adoption to include e-freight compliance.
Kale director Amar More: “Ping services has capability to push the global e-AWB adoption and we strive to work towards creating digital air freight communities worldwide using such innovations.” (ah)