ECS Group: "8 March? Just another day!"
With a top management gender balance of 49% female, 51% male, a global employee ratio of 46% women and 54% men, and an equal 50%-50% balance in its "cargo digital factory" despite the general consensus that tech is a male-dominated environment, ECS Group is an exception to the rule in the air cargo world.
Adrien Thominet, executive chairman of the worldwide GSSA with over 1'400 employees in 173 offices: "At ECS Group, we never single out a particular gender and then highlight them over the space of 24 hours, while communicating company intentions. Instead, our focus has always been on the doing. We hire and promote based on skills, talent, and attitude, not on what a person identifies as. And our employees are actively appreciated and recognised for their service throughout the entire year." (ah)