DVF welcomes new member Cargonexx
Ensuring an optimal utilisation of capacities to prevent unnecessary empty runs – that is Cargonexx' goal. The company has now joined the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (German transport forum, DVF). "We are very proud to welcome this new member, particularly since Hamburg-based Cargonexx is a young start-up company," says DVFs managing director Heike van Hoorn.
Tom Krause, CEO of Cargonexx adds: "We look forward to a stimulating exchange of views with the member companies and hope to play our part in digitalising the industry."
Cargonexx offers long-distance haulage for full truck loads. On its platform, the company lists available freight capacities on a daily basis and including all the necessary information. The order is accepted as soon as a cargo can be matched with the capacity required.
Furthermore, Cargonexx partners with freight forwarders to compete in long-term calls for tender. This gives smaller companies a better chance to win orders.