Dunkerque-Port forms new executive team
Emmanuelle Verger is to chair the board of trustees of Dunkerque-Port for five years term. The trustee board, meeting in its new configuration under the chairmanship of Michel Lalande, prefect of the Hauts-de-France region, held the election.
Verger, who is currently the CFO of EDF's nuclear and thermal production division, joined the French port’s board of trusees in 2015, and was a member of the audit committee. She will rely on a new team of professionals in logistics and industry.
They include Régis Degelcke who joined the port's supervisory board this year. He will contribute all his knowledge of logistics and distribution to the port teams, Laurence Jacques, a pharmacy specialist, who joined the supervisory board of the major seaport of Dunkerque (GPMD), as did François Lavallée, president of the Littoral Côte d'Opale Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (mw) www.dunkerque-port.fr