Duisport reshuffles key positions
The Duisport Group is reassigning various key positions in its subsidiaries: Vanessa Hanhart and Sandra Strohbücker, who already head the group's superstructure and infrastructure management divisions, have been appointed managing directors of Hafen Duisburg-Rheinhausen, effective 1 January 2022.
Jörg Krieger will take over as managing director of Duisport Facility Logistics (DFL) on 1 December 2021. Michael Albers has been hired as another managing director of Duisport Rail (DPR). He joins from Hector Rail.
Matthias Palapys, head of construction and technology at Duisburger Hafen, moves to Duisport Consult (DPC) as another managing director on 1 December 2021.
Finally, Robert Beer has been appointed managing director of Duisport Packing Logistics (DPL) with immediate effect. (cj)