DHL Group: strong showing in Q2/2020
Deutsche Post DHL Group significantly increased its earnings in Q2/2020 despite Covid-19. Operating profit (ebit) improved by around 16% to around EUR 890 million. Adjusted for one-off effects in the previous year and in the current year, operating profit was around 25% above the prior-year figure.
Operating profit in post & parcel Germany amounted to roughly EUR 260 million (2019: EUR 177 million). The express division managed to raise its ebit in Q2/2020 to EUR 560 million compared to the EUR 521 million of the previous year.
Operating profit in global forwarding, freight stood at around EUR 190 million (2019: EUR 124 million). Due to the above-mentioned difficulties, ebit in supply chain dropped by around EUR 60 million to EUR 30 million in Q2/2020 (2019: EUR 87 million).
Despite a decline of around EUR 30 million, e-commerce solutions was able to achieve a break-even ebit (2019: EUR -18 million). (mw)