
  • Niels Smedegaard (left), CEO Anne H. Steffensen and Jacob Meldgaard. Photo: Danske Rederier


Artikel Nummer: 27869

Danish shipping association gets new boss

The general assembly of Danske Rederier, Denmark’s shipping association, appointed the Torm CEO, Jacob Meldgaard, as its new Chairman. He succeeds Niels Smedegaard, who has left DFDS and thus had to step down as Chairman of Danske Rederier.


The deputy chairman was replaced too, as Claus V. Hemmingsen resigned. His successor is Søren Toft, COO and board member of A.P. Møller-Mærsk.


In addition, Jan Rindbo, CEO of D/S Norden, retained his seat on the trade body’s board. The other members did not need to stand for re-election this year. (mw)




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