Dakotas: more celebrations ahead
Only days before reviving the Berlin airlift of 1948-1949, several of the more than 800 Douglas C-47 Skytrains (Dakotas) which participated in “D-Day”, when almost 160,000 Allied troops stormed the Normandy beaches, will come back to the place where they made history on 6 June 1944.
In addition to the “Daks over Normandy”, from 2 to 9 June over thirty DC-3/C-47’s will come together for what may well prove the very last time. The event will be held in two locations: from 2 to 5 June at Duxford airfield (Icao: EGSU) (UK) and from 5 to 9 June at Caen Carpiquet airport (Iata: CFR) (France).
The locations, where everyone can come, see and touch the aircraft up, close and personal, were chosen because of their facilities, their infrastructure and their World War II heritage. (ah)