DAE helps ABC launch new widebody freighters
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise's (DAE) leasing division DAE Capital and Moscow-based, Volga Dnepr-owned cargo airline Airbridge Cargo Airlines (ABC) have entered into a purchase and leaseback agreement with PDP financing for three factory new B777F aircraft, the first of this type to enter ABC's fleet in 2020.
DAE's CEO Firoz Tarapore: "We are delighted to assist ABC with its requirements as it expands its fleet diversification with this particular type. DAE Capital is a major lessor of 777F aircraft, and our long-term experience with this type helped in executing this agreement swiftly."
DAE Capital has a company-owned, managed and committed fleet of approximately 355 Airbus, ATR and Boeing aircraft (15 B777F) with a fleet value of USD 14 billion. (ah)