Contract logistics strengthens BLG
“We did not only achieved our targets for 2018, we surpassed them,” said Frank Dreeke, CEO of BLG Logistics, at the company’s annual general meeting. In total, the BLG group generated a turnover of EUR 1.41 billion in the financial year 2018. This amounts to an increase of EUR 53.5 million.
Earnings before tax (ebt) rose significantly by EUR 3.99 million or 11.9% to EUR 37.5 million. The rise in turnover resulted in an ebt margin of 3.3% in 2018 (compared to 3.1% in 2017). Contract logistics was the strongest division in terms of sales revenue, generating sales worth EUR 600 million, up EUR 51.4 million or 9.4% compared to the previous year.
The company attributes this positive development to the growth of business with existing and new customers in industrial and retail logistics on the one hand and the expansion of the freight forwarding division on the other. (mw)