Consolidation among Germany's SMEs in progress
Consolidation is progressing in Germany’s SMEs in the logistics sector. After L.I.T. Spedition took over Westfalia Intralog with 77 employees at five locations on 1 August 2021, it announced its next coup exactly one year later.
The Brake-based group is taking over Fehrenkötter Transport & Logistik from Ladbergen with retroactive effect from 1 January 2022. Since owner Joachim Fehrenkötter was unable to ensure an internal succession, he sold the company. It focuses on vehicle and agricultural machinery transport and employs about 150 trucks of its own and 400 employees at two locations.
Founded in 1988, L.I.T. is internationally positioned with over 75 locations in 15 countries. With 550,000 sqm of logistics space, 1,400 trucks, 1,100 trailers, 4,500 swap bodies and around 3,500 employees, the group generated a turnover of EUR 575 million in 2021. (sh)