Competition authority clears Papuan partnership
Papua New Guinea's Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) has ended an investigation into a MoU that was entered into by Air Niugini Cargo Ltd (ANCL) and Hevilift after considering that the MoU does not have any anti-competitive clauses and that competition concerns are not likely to be established.
Last August, the subsidiary of Air Niugini began a partnership with Hevilift covering the exclusive marketing and use of the Hevilift converted ATR-42 freighter.
The ICCC ruled out that the MoU is not a form of JV, but just a partnership more related to a marketing venture that is intended to make the freighter available to ANCL should the latter require it.
The competition watchdog reserves its rights to conduct a further investigation into the matter "should any serious competition concerns arise in the future". (ah)