CM Logistik improves processes
The CM Logistik group is expanding its portfolio by opening a new warehouse in Stuhr near Bremen (Germany) as a central interface between production and distribution. Sophisticated warehousing logistics help to reduce costs and optimise supply chains. The company administers and stores its customers’ products in a 3,000 sqm warehouse offering a total of 2,500 pallet spaces in high bays and block storage areas. For processing, consolidating and packaging the orders, the employees have an additional 2,000 sqm order picking area at their disposal.
In many cases, the goods put in interim storage are not EU merchandise, that is, they are products that were not produced in a country belonging to the customs union. These products are not subject to customs procedures.
A customs warehouse is required to store these goods from their arrival to their re-export or release into duty-free circulation. As a company with the appropriate authorisation, CM Logistik is ready to step in and store its customer’s surplus goods when they have unexpected bottlenecks in their own warehouses. (mw)