Christian Doepgen joins jury of the Logistics Hall of Fame
The Logistics Hall of Fame has elected four new members for its jury. For the first time, these executives will be able to take part in the vote on who will enter the global hall of fame of the logistics industry at the end of the year and who will win this year’s award of “Logistics Leader of the Year“.
The new members of the jury are: Christian Doepgen, editor-in-chief and publishing director of the International Transport Journal ITJ, Hildegard Müller, president of the Verband der Automobilindustrie (automotive industry association, VDA), Markus Olligschläger, managing director of the Bundesverband Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Logistik (federal association of transport and logistics in industry and trade, BWVL) and Heike van Hoorn, managing director Deutsches Verkehrsforum (German transport forum, DVF).
In total, there are 70 jurors from eleven countries, representing the business community, the press and media sector, associations, politics and science. The awards are presented at the annual gala reception held in Berlin at the beginning of December. (mw)