
  • Photo: K Line


Artikel Nummer: 27507

Changes in K Line's management

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) has announced the following changes to its management: Jiro Asakura, Hiromichi Aoki and Kiyoshi Hosomizo have reached retirement age. Jiro Asakura will remain in the company as a special executive advisor.


New appointments are Kazuhiko Harigai and Yukio Toriyama as directors and Keiji Yamada and Ryuhel Uchida as outside directors.


The audit & supervisory board members Keisuke Yoshida and Toshikazu Hayashi will also retire. They will be replaced on the audit & supervisory board by Tsuyoshi Yamauchi, Kunihiko Arai and Atsumi Harasawa. (mw)




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