Cats ‘n’ dogs reign in Spain
From its multi-client centre in Guadalajara XPO Logistics manages all of the logistics needs in Spain and Portugal of Zooplus, an online German pet supplies retailer. The Munich-based company is growing rapidly on the Iberian Peninsula.
There are around 19 million Spanish households; they are home to about 5 million dogs and 1.5 million cats. These beloved pets naturally need food, toys, baskets.
The German firm Zooplus is one of the largest online traders in this segment. The retailer for pet supplies recently bundled all of its logistics activities in Spain and Portugal in a new centre –and mandated XPO Logistics with its operation.
The decision was prompted by Zooplus’s e-commerce activities growing in leaps and bounds in the Iberian Peninsula. Around 10% of the sector’s sales nationally are spent online. This brings the overall figure in Spain to approximately EUR 2 billion annually.
All from one hand
XPO manages all of the warehouse activities for Zooplus, including order processing and distribution, from its multi-client logistics facility in Guadalajara. The city, around 150 km northeast of Madrid, is considered one of Spain’s most important logistics locations.
Christian Neumayer, the head of fulfilment services with Zooplus, said that “XPO Logistics is the most suitable partner for us, offering efficient technology to support our growth in Spain and Portugal.” Richard Cawston in turn, XPO’s general manager for supply chain activities in Europe, also expressed his optimism. “E-commerce customers demand speed and precision. We’ve got the logistics solutions at hand with which we can fulfil these requirements from the range Zooplus offers.”