Cargo sous terrain wins big shareholders
Cargo sous terrain (CST) has continued its work on the Swiss project for underground goods transport uninterrupted by the corona crisis. Currently, the main focus is on agreeing and fine-tuning spatial development plans and defining the privately financed basic logistics portfolio that will be available without prejudice to all customers.
CST has also begun preparations to launch the first operational applications for city logistics and the IT platform in the upcoming years. Hence, the proposal for a federal law on underground good transport will be submitted to the Swiss parliament in autumn 2020 at the latest. The complete system is scheduled to come on stream in 2031.
Meanwhile, CST has been able to win B+S Ingenieure und Planer, WIR Bank Genossenschaft and K+D Valueinvest as new Swiss investors and majority shareholders. Each of three companies will have a seat on the supervisory board. Walter Schaufelberger will represent B+S, Bruno Stiegeler WIR Bank and Stefan Kuhn K+D Valueinvest. (ben)