Cargo-partner uses Spot's time slot management
The Austrian logistics services provider cargo-partner has being working with the cloud-based chain management platform Spot since 2000. The company uses the steadily increasing number of functions to optimise its cooperation with its customers and partners along the entire supply chain.
After the introduction of the parcel module last year, yet another new feature has now been added to the platform: the “time slot management” module supports freight forwarders and warehouse managers in planning their time slots for loading or unloading cargo at storage locations.
With Spot’s time slot management, cargo-partner’s road hauliers can book their time slots for loading and unloading operations independently or ask storage managers to assign them a time frame within which they can choose their preferred slot.
Alternatively, the storage management can fix a specific time slot for each truck. The available loading time is calculated according to the actual truckload. (mw)