Careful optimism and a radical step
Deutsche Post DHL Group has announced that its 2020 earnings guidance excludes, as of now, any possible impact induced by the coronavirus. Deutsche Post DHL Group posted profitable growth during the past financial year. Group revenue was up 2.9% year-on-year to EUR 63.3 billion, with all five divisions contributing to this positive performance.
However, against the background of current global economic uncertainties, the group has decided to not to actively pursue the ongoing exploratory talks regarding partnership options for its streetscooter activities. Instead, streetscooter will concentrate on operating the current fleet of e-vehicles.
The 2020 forecast of a group ebit of more than EUR 5 billion as of now excludes any still to be quantified effects caused by corona implications as well as the expenses related to the decision concerning streetscooter. The 2022 guidance for a group ebit of minimum EUR 5.3 billion is not affected by this. (mw)