BLG Logistics grows faster than expected
BLG Logistics generated a turnover of EUR 1.14 billion in FY, an increase of EUR 53.5 million or 4.9% compared to 2017. Earnings before tax (EBT) again rose significantly by EUR 4 million or almost 12% to EUR 37.5 million (EUR 33.5 million in 2017). Turnover and EBT were not only better than in the previous year, but actually exceeded the forecast.
Because EBT increased more than sales revenue, the company also lifted its EBT margin to 3.3%, compared to 3.1% in the previous year. CEO Frank Dreeke was optimistic: “Today, BLG Logistics is in a more stable position than ever before. We can look back on a successful financial year – of course, we had some challenges to face, but there was also a lot of good news.”
For FY 2019 the BLG group expects turnover to remain on the previous year’s level and EBT to grow by 5-8%. (mw)