
Artikel Nummer: 27067
Bigger slice of freight cake for Swiss railway
The Swiss rail service provider BLS Cargo said it boosted its revenue by 15.8% to CHF 235 million and grew its profit by CHF 1.9 million to a total of CHF 5.4 million in 2018.
The company operated 17,051 trains in 2018, a modest decrease vis-à-vis the 17,529 trains in 2017. Despite less traffic, transport capacity, measured in net tonne kilometres, was 9.9% higher in 2018 than in 2017. BLS Cargo also increased its share of the transalpine railfreight traffic through Switzerland by 3% to 30% last year.
This year’s planned takeover of the Belgian freight railway Crossrail will further strengthen BLS Cargo's position on the north-south freight corridor. (ben)