BER stays healthy
Representatives of the operator of the German capital's Berlin-Brandenburg airport (BER) gave the Air Cargo Club Deutschland (ACD) an overview of the airport's first 100 days of operation. They said that the airport had already proven its high level of performance and reliability, but, because of the pandemic, it had not been able to show all its potential.
Compared to passenger traffic, the downturns in freight services are less dramatic, as cargo head Torsten Jüling reported. Nevertheless, freight volumes (1,700 t) on the typical passenger airport sank by 35% in January 2021 in comparison with the previous year.
However, Jüling and ACD's president Prof. Dr. Christopher W. Stoller see the airport's infrastructure and geographic location as reasons for optimism for the future of the cargo business. Furthermore, the building of Tesla's GIGA plant in Brandenburg will offer "exciting new opportunities." (ah)