Awarding efforts to protect the environment
K Line recently hosted the environmental awards ceremony 2020. The awards were established to honour and give recognition to outstanding efforts made by both executives and employees to further the preservation of the environment.
Seagate Corporation received the grand award for helping with the disposal of floating debris, driftwood that was caused by heavy rain in western Japan and recovered by a marine environment maintenance ship in Hiroshima Bay.
The following companies won an excellence award: Daito Corporation for reducing the number of tugs usage by improving gantry crane parking methods at Oi Terminal No. 2; K Line Chile for organising community-based beach cleaning; K Line for encouraging eco-friendly practices in its offices; K Line Container Service Thailand for switching to eco bags to be used as trash bags in its warehouse; Century Distribution Systems for food redistribution and Nitto Total Logistics for improving business processes to reduce the number of accidents and enhance environmental conservation and operational efficiency. (mw)