Award for the US secretary of transportation
Gratitude for the sacrifices made by the US merchant mariners was the theme of the United Seamen’s Service (USS) 2019 admiral of the ocean sea awards (Aotos) presented at the 50th annual gala. The awards were presented before nearly 700 maritime leaders to the Honourable Elaine L. Chao, US secretary of transportation; James Given, president of the Seafarers International Union Canada; Anil Mathur, president and CEO of the Alaska Tanker Company and Joseph Pyne, chairman of the board of the Kirby Corporation.
Chao assumed the role of US secretary of transportation in January 2017. She came to the department of transportation with extensive experience in the transportation sector and was referred to as a tireless worker for the maritime industry by Michael Sacco, president of the Seafarers International Union. (mw)