Audi chooses Gerd Walker
Peter Kössler, who has been the board member for production and logistics at Audi since 2017, will retire as planned on 1 February 2022. His successor will be Gerd Walker, who began his career at Audi in production and is currently in charge of production at the Volkswagen Group in Wolfsburg.
A native of Reutlingen in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Walker joined Audi in 1997 as a working student in concept design. In 2009, he became board speaker for production before leaving in 2012 to spend four years in charge of production at Audi Hungaria.
Since 2016, the qualified mechanical engineer has been working in various leadership roles in Wolfsburg, where he has been in charge of production at the Volkswagen Group since 2018. (cj)