Arnold Group expands leadership team
The specialist for heavy-duty transport services has granted two of its employees power of procuration and thus given them far-reaching responsibilities.
Heike Fuchs has been appointed authorised representative for Arnold Speditions GmbH. She joins the management as senior project manager for multimodal transports. As a project manager, she is also responsible for logistics processes such as overseeing supply chains for manufacturers of radiography equipment. In this field, her focus is primarily on business relations with companies in USA, China and Arab countries.
The other new authorised representative has been chosen to lead the company's division Arnold Schwerlast. Walter Niederländer has been working for Arnold since 2017. Upon completion of his training as a freight forwarding specialist at Militzer & Münch, he gained a master's degree at the University of St. Gall and then gathered comprehensive practical experience in the organisation of international transports. (mw)