Anticipating the ‘preighter’ exemption deadline
AELF Flightservice is purchasing ten of Avensis Aviation's 'Medius passenger to freighter conversion' kits. Air cargo solutions provider Flightservice, operated by its sister company, Malta-based Maleth Aero, will work with Avensis to convert its A330 and A340 fleet beginning early 2022.
The soon-to-be-released Avensis Medius Class E supplemental type certificate by the EU aviation safety agency (EASA) will allow the modified passenger to freighter aircraft to fly beyond the current EASA exemption deadline of July 2022.
Lee Jones, president of Maleth Aero: "We know freight demand is not going away anytime soon, and we're working to solidify our position." When the modifications by Avensis are complete, Flightservice will have ten widebody aircraft operating in this configuration for ACMI and charter services. (ah)