An efficient way to handle and store trailers
Terminals for combined transport (CT) are increasingly running out of space. For this reason, Duisport, TX Logistik and the intermodal transport association Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr (SGKV) have joined forces with Wecon, a manufacturer of swap trailers and bodies for intermodal transport, to explore solutions particularly for trailers that require a lot of space.
The result is "Stack-X": trailers can be driven onto a rectangular metal frame and transported and stacked using reach stackers or gantry cranes.
The three prototypes have now been tested in field trials. Conclusion: "Stack X" helps to handle trailers efficiently and can also be used as an intermediate depot in terminals. (ben) www.txlogistik.eu www.duisport.de sgkv.de www.wecon.de