ALS gives guarantees for customs clearance after Brexit
ALS Customs Services, a customs specialist, will offer three new solutions for its customers if Brexit occurs without a withdrawal agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom as from 31 October 2019.
Using simplified procedures for customs formalities, goods will automatically be declared before being transported in order to prevent capacity bottlenecks. The “digital flow” system combines export and import formalities fully automatically in a simple step. As a result, it is possible to create a simplified trading corridor (green channel) between the UK and the single market and prevent any delays caused by having to submit complex customs declarations.
If it is not possible to fully automate the customs clearance procedure, the “classic flow” system offers a manual or semi-manual process using advance notification and TSP (transitional simplified procedures), so that goods arrive at their destination without any additional intermediate stops. In the “transit flow” system, NCTS transit documents (T1, T2) are prepared to enable the goods to cross borders quickly. (mw)