Alaska Air Cargo's soaring seafood season
The 2019 commercial fishing season is underway in the 49th US state, and Alaska Air Cargo is now delivering fresh, wild Alaska seafood all over the country. Halibut shipping is up 32% to date, and the Copper River salmon opener in Cordova was celebrated with the first fish flying into Seattle one month ago, on 17 May 2019.
The Bristol Bay salmon fishery opens on 25 June, and the carrier is looking forward to another stellar season. Last year almost 39 million sockeye were caught in Bristol Bay, representing 112,000 t of fish.
US-wide, the Alaska seafood industry creates an estimated USD 12.8 billion in economic output. Alaska catches and processes enough seafood each year to feed everybody in the world with at least one meal of Alaska seafood, or one meal for every American for more than a month. (ah)